Teaninich is one of the largest distilleries in Scotland, and yet also one of the most obscure as most of its production is used in the various blends within parent company Diageo's portfolio. The distillery is known for its malty profile which is attributed to the fact that they are one of only two distilleries in Scotland which use a mash filter instead of a traditional mash tun to extract the wort during the mashing phase of production. In place of a mash tun is a hammer mill and a mash filter that was installed in 2000, resulting in a character with grasiness aroma, similar to of Japansese green tea and coumarin-rich bison grass
Teaninich was built in 1817 by war hero Captain Hugh Munro, and then looked after by him and his brother General John Munro. They are the major reason for the survival of many distilleries during Highlands's Clearance. In 1869 John Ross took the lease until 1895 when it was transferred to Elgin-based blenders Munro & Cameron. Later Teaninich distillery was sold to it's current owner Diageo in 1933. Since that the distillery is regularly expanded, adding larger stills and extra buildings to keep up the high demand even today.
Highland Region
Highland is the greatest of all whisky regions and provides a huge variety of different flavours and characters. It goes from the lighter whiskies all the way through salty coastal malts.
While malts from the West Highland distilleries tend to have a sweet start and dryish finish, the far North Highland malts character are greatly influenced by the local soil and the coastal location of the distilleries giving light bodied whiskies with a spicy character and a dryish finish, sometimes with a trace of saltiness. Central, Southern and Eastern Highland malt whiskies are generally quite a mixed bunch. Fruity and sweet. They are lighter bodied with a tendency to have a dry finish.
Whisky Type Single Malt |
Working |
Brands - |
Capacity(MLPA) - |
Fermentation Time Minimum 75hrs |
Grist weight (T) 12 |
Malt specification Non peated |
Mash Tun Material - |
New-Make Strength 68-69% |
Spirit Still Charge (L) 15,600 |
Spirit Still Size (L) - |
Warehousing - |
Wash Still Shape Ball |
Washback Size (L) - |
Washbacks 8 |
Yeast type Pressed |
Condenser type Shell and tube |
Filling strength 63.50% |
Heat source Steam |
Malt supplier Mainly in house |
Mash Tun Type Mash filter |
Single Malt percentage - |
Spirit still shape Ball |
Stills 6 |
Wash still charge (L) 18,300 |
Wash Still size (L) - |
Washback type Wood |
Water source Dairy Well Spring |
Parent company - |
Current owner Diageo |
Contact +44 1349 885001 |
Website: - |
Address Teaninich Distillery |